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Best Seo Extensions for Google Chrome



Best Seo Extensions for Google Chrome

What Is Seo? What Does It Do?

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. SEO optimizes and improves your content ranking in a search engine. Like Google, there are other search engines; each of them works on a different algorithm. What an SEO does is, presents relevant results to the search engine. The correct use of SEO helps your traffic to rank high in the search results. Once you start ranking at the top, it keeps you consistent. Through SEO you get the chance to reach a global audience which might not have been possible otherwise.

Here are the Top 6 SEO Extensions for Google Chrome to help you use Google Chrome like a pro.


The interface of MoxBar is simple and easy to understand. It is automated and checks the SEO from within your browser. It comes with a 30-days free trial before you move on to the premium version.


SEOs come with many features, and Ubersuggest covers a lot of them. One of the best things about this SEO extension is that it is free and works for Google, Youtube and Amazon.

Redirect Path:

Redirect Path is a free SEO extension. Redirect Path helps with URL redirection and reports to you if there is any fault in the redirect.

Meta SEO Inspector:

This is a free and user-friendly SEO extension. It scans your site and immediately reports errors in case there are any. The best feature of this SEO extension is you can share your results.


If you need to keep track of social media performance, BuzzSumo is the appropriate SEO extension. It helps you create better content. It gives you insight into your popular content, backlinks, and shares. It also analyses the content of your competitors.

Keywords Everywhere:

If you are looking for appropriate words for your article, Keywords Everywhere will come in handy. All you need to do is add the extension, go to Google and type your targeted word. The Extension will redirect you to an array of similar words that are mostly searched by people.

Every SEO extension comes with a different feature. There are plenty of SEO extensions on the internet; add the extension that suits your purpose. You can either add one or more SEO extensions. SEO Extensions will help you create better content for your site.

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Benjamin is an accomplished writer with years of experience covering the tech industry.

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